CORPUS SIREO STUDY: Regional Office Index

„Germany 21: Regionaler Büromarktindex“ (Quelle: Corpus Sireo 2017)

Shortage of Products driving office rents at A- and B-Locations: The CORPUS SIREO  “Regional Office Index” study confirms the continuing positive growth of German A- and B-locations on the office markets. In the 19 B-locations studied, asking rents were €8.73 per square metre at the end of the first half of 2017. This signifies an increase of 1.9% compared with the end of 2016. In the top seven cities, asking office rents increased by 2.1% to €13.97 per square metre in the same time period.

The study is carried out by CORPUS SIREO, the German property subsidiary of Swiss Life Asset Managers, and the Bonn-based research institute empirica. Focal city Freiburg Germany’s most expensive B-Location. The full report is available as a free download at